Friday, September 24, 2010

Oh the Spanish way of life

Thursday September 23, 2010 10:04 pm – Spain, 4:04 pm – United States

Well, I made it through my first full day in Spain and it was exactly how I remembered it. After a long 36 hours of traveling, I finally made it to Granada only to find out that my cell phone that I had bought two years ago when I was in Spain did not function. I tried contacting my host mom numerous times and her daughter via text message (why a text you ask? Because I am a chicken and was scared to call). There was a little internet café in the bus station in Granada and I logged on to keep my sanity. I was able to send an email off to my parents to let them know I was safe and a few other tasks. When I was done with the internet, I had no choice but to put on my big girl panties and go find a payphone and call Pilar. Let me tell you, it was not nearly as bad as one might imagine making a phone call could be ;-) She answered and was so happy to hear from me. I took a cab to their house and she was outside waiting for me. I gave her the biggest hug and it was amazing. I went inside and saw Paco – more hugs and kisses. Everything is the same except for their new wood floor which I noticed right away. I feel right at home here. I took a shower (I don’t think I could have possibly fallen asleep with the stench that was following me everywhere) and went to bed around midnight. I didn’t wake up until after 11 this morning (can we say jet lag?)
I spent time with Pilar this afternoon – we went for a walk and made stops at the pharmacy and to get fruit. We ate lunch and then like a true Spaniard, I took a siesta (nap). Paco and Pilar’s daughter Pili came over tonight with her husband Pablo and their children Julia and Pablo. I couldn’t believe how much Juila had grown since the last time I saw her but she still remembered me and was all smiles. Pablo (their 2-yr-old son) was born shortly after I left in 2008 and so this was our first meeting. It was a lot of fun to see them all again.
Moving on to dinner……Pilar is a good cook but tonight’s dinner was interesting. We had a cold pasta salad with cheese, tomato, hard boiled eggs, onion, olive oil, and POMEGRANATE! I had actually never tried an actual pomegranate and was shocked to know that you essentially are eating seeds. Oh, Spanish cuisine, how I have (not) missed thee.
Nothing too interesting to happening now. I am going to meet my friend Juan Carlos tomorrow and take him to be my representative when I try to figure out this cell phone issue. He knows some English so I think it will be helpful.
Hugs to all!

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