Sunday, January 27, 2008

Almost Three Weeks

It is hard to believe that I have been in Spain for almost three weeks now. I guess it´s true...time flies when you are having fun. The internet connection that I was using at my house was short-lived. The people must have figured out that I was bootlegging it off of them. So since Sunday is a very long day in Spain and my host parents are at their friend´s house for lunch (which means they are pretty much gone the entire day), I decided to come to an internet cafe near my house.
This weekend, my friends and I attempted to do some cultural things. On Saturday, I went with two of my friends from Michigan to the ¨Mercadillo.¨ Imagine a huge flea market with piles and piles of clothes and shoes. Things there are very cheap. Both of my friends bought shoes for 2 € which is about the equivalent of $3. It was fun and definitely an experience. Then my friend Liz and I just sat in a park near her house, munching on loaves of bread and discussing how lucky we were to be in Spain.
Saturday night: Once again, I was with a group of my UM friends and we decided to go see the play ¨La Casa de Bernarda Alba¨which was showing at the Teatro de Isabel la Catolica. Most of us took a literature class back at UM and had to read this play which is by Federico Garcia Lorca (who was from Granada). It was well-done. The actresses were very passionate. We all were glad that we had read the play before and knew the story line or we would have been completely lost. We are not exactly ready to completely usderstand spanish theater, just yet.
Sunday morning (today): A few of the girls and I attempted to go to the Cathedral in Granada. It turns out that the Spaniards must not want anyone to know what time their services are at. We looked for signs and even asked people. We were at the cathedral at 9:30 thinking there was a service at 10. However, we were wrong and it was at 12. So we had coffee and a pastry and waited around until about 11:30 only to enter what we thought was the cathedral and find there was already a service going on (it ended up not being the actual cathedral but we did not know that at the time.) After wandering to another door, we found the real cathedral and there was also a service going on there. Needless to say, we might try again next week and actually make it to the right building and at the right time.
It is difficult to get used to Sunday´s in Granada. Everything is closed except for food places. It is really just a day to enjoy family and eating here (which I guess are two things I don´t really mind too much.)
We already have a break in less than two weeks. A few of my friends are going to Dublin, Edinborough, and London and I think I may tag along. It should be fun.
I´m off for now. I am still loving Spain and I thank all of you for keeping in touch so well!!
My Love to all,

Monday, January 21, 2008

2 Weeks in Spain

So I actually found internet in my apartment and so I decided that I would write and re-cap some of my favorite times in Spain so far. Some of you may have heard about some of these things so far but you will just have to read them again!

The first few days here were spent looking extremely touristy (if that's even a word). We walked around many parts of the city and it is a big city. It takes me about 20 minutes to walk to Cegri (the school where I have my language classes). That is how long it takes for me to walk and I am a speed walker. It is pretty far but I don't mind the exercise.

My family is nice. I live with Paco and Pilar. I don't really know how old they are but they have three grown daughters and 4 grandchildren. I have only met one of the daughters thus far. They have hosted students before and so they are very accommodating. They watch a lot of tv. It is hard to understand the tv so far because my spanish skills are not that great yet and they talk so fast. I have my own room with a bunk bed, a small closet, a little table and a dresser. It's small but comfortable.

Last Sunday we went as a group to the Alhambra. It was simply breathtaking. Every detail is so intricate and old. Everything in Granada is soooo old. Buildings that you can find in Granada would have been knocked down years ago in the United States for a new mall or something modern.

I made it through week one of classes and thus far life is much more relaxed than at Michigan! I can't say that I am going to enjoy going back to Michigan in September because the Spaniards really know how to do things right. I am really enjoying "siesta" everyday! I have never slept so much in my life.

Ok well that's all for now. I will keep updated as often as I can with new and exciting things that happen over here in Spain!


I have a blog!

Hey guys!

I created a blog today so that I can keep everyone posted on what´s happening in Spain!! I don´t have time to write anything right now. I have to go recharge the Euros on my phone and then have dinner with my host family. I will write as soon I I have more time!