Thursday, September 23, 2010

Long Day(s)

Wednesday September 22, 2010 – 12:30pm Spain time/6:30am in the US

Well, here I am sitting in the bus station waiting for a bus to take me to Granada so I can see some familiar faces in Spain (aka my Spanish family – Paco and Pilar). I made it safely on my flight and was lucky enough to sit next to a girl who is doing a similar thing as me (teaching English in Madrid). However, she has no job and really no place to live, etc. And my family and friends thought I was crazy?!
She was nice and we were able to chat about our respective experiences in Spain (she did two years of college in Spain at St. Louis University which apparently has a campus in Madrid – how neat).
On a random side note – since I mentioned that my flight to Spain went so well, maybe I’ll tell you about my flight from Detroit to Atlanta. What is everyone’s worse nightmare of flying (besides the plane crashing)? When you spot that person that you pray doesn’t take the seat next to you? Yep, well this time he was behind me but that didn’t stop me from smelling him. This particular gentleman had the worst body odor I have ever smelled. The woman sitting right next to him had her face turned away with the paper covering her nose. I had never seen such a horrified look and I thought many times she might just lose her cookies right there in the airplane aisle. After the flight took off, she disappeared! I caught up with her on the tram and asked her where she was lucky enough to sneak off to and she said the flight attendants let her sit up front (because the flight was full). I kept getting wafts of the smell and could only thank God that this was not my 8 hour flight to Spain! 
In case you are all wondering and sitting in suspense, the luggage contraption worked like a charm and I had a much easier time navigating the airport and the metro to make it to the train station. Does this mean I am not sitting here sweating and smelling like I just played 90 minutes of soccer? No. Does this mean my hands do not have blisters? No. Does this mean I’m not exhausted beyond belief and can’t wait to take a shower and put my head on a pillow? No. Nevertheless, it worked and I was a self-sufficient traveler.
As we were approaching our descent and about to land in Spain, it became very surreal that I am finally back. I always imagined I’d be back but maybe just for a visit and that’s it. I can’t believe I am actually fulfilling my dream of living here for almost a year. I know that it will be a different experience (I already felt different as I was traveling because before I had a whole group of U of M students with me and this time I was completely on my own). I had a few moments of just plain fear while I was sitting waiting for my flight in Atlanta (and anyone who talked to me during that time before I left could probably sense it – aka mom, Connor, Meghan, Emilee, Dave Wu – haha). But I think that I am ready for this adventure. I am ready to be independent in another country, immerse myself in the Spanish language and culture and just have fun.
I send love and hugs to everyone from SPAIN!!!!!

1 comment:

ChelseaSalomone said...

So glad you are blogging and we can all stalk you and live vicariously through you. Oh- I mean follow your adventures ;)