Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Hump-day Hola from Granada!

The weather has finally cleared up in Spain after about 5 consecutive days of rain and slightly chilly temperatures. It is a little disheartening to keep hearing from my mother that the weather in Adrian is nicer than in Granada. I thought we were supposed to have these unbearably hot days?! Haha Oh well.

Since the weather improved, I thought I would make an attempt to make those pesky pastries disappear that have suddenly found their home on my thighs and backside! I ran 10 km yesterday around the city (an equivalent of 6 miles). It was a struggle at times but I made it. Two of my good friends here are training to run half marathons next week and so I thought I should get my butt in gear (literally!)

We only have 4 more days of class left at Cegrí and then most of the Illinois and Wisconsin students will be leaving to travel and then go home or just to go straight home. Once my classes are done at Cegrí, I will only have class on Monday from 6:30-8pm, Tuesday from 11-12:30pm and then Wednesday from 6:30-8pm. Needless to say, my Michigan friends and I are going to need to find something to do to fill our empty days. My girlfriends and I are thinking lots of day trips or weekends at the beach. I also hope to do some traveling outside of Spain. I need to explore Europe while I am on the continent! Who knows when I will be back!?!

Until next time,


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