Monday, January 21, 2008

2 Weeks in Spain

So I actually found internet in my apartment and so I decided that I would write and re-cap some of my favorite times in Spain so far. Some of you may have heard about some of these things so far but you will just have to read them again!

The first few days here were spent looking extremely touristy (if that's even a word). We walked around many parts of the city and it is a big city. It takes me about 20 minutes to walk to Cegri (the school where I have my language classes). That is how long it takes for me to walk and I am a speed walker. It is pretty far but I don't mind the exercise.

My family is nice. I live with Paco and Pilar. I don't really know how old they are but they have three grown daughters and 4 grandchildren. I have only met one of the daughters thus far. They have hosted students before and so they are very accommodating. They watch a lot of tv. It is hard to understand the tv so far because my spanish skills are not that great yet and they talk so fast. I have my own room with a bunk bed, a small closet, a little table and a dresser. It's small but comfortable.

Last Sunday we went as a group to the Alhambra. It was simply breathtaking. Every detail is so intricate and old. Everything in Granada is soooo old. Buildings that you can find in Granada would have been knocked down years ago in the United States for a new mall or something modern.

I made it through week one of classes and thus far life is much more relaxed than at Michigan! I can't say that I am going to enjoy going back to Michigan in September because the Spaniards really know how to do things right. I am really enjoying "siesta" everyday! I have never slept so much in my life.

Ok well that's all for now. I will keep updated as often as I can with new and exciting things that happen over here in Spain!


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