Who is this? Hannah Montana. What is she? A celebrity. My students in Spain absolutely love her. But that is beside the point. After only a month-and-a-half of working, I now feel like a celebrity at Antonio Garvayo Dinelli. I get bombarded with hugs and students are always saying hello in the hallways. A lot of them ask their teachers why I only come in once a week to their respective classes. Pretty soon, you'll be able to Google my name and images like this will appear as quickly as a million of images of "Hannah Montana" appeared
Celebrity Emily

But really, that's a joke. In all honesty, I wanted to write a post to tell you all how much I am enjoying my job. When I didn't have internet in my piso (which was a long time, as I am sure you are all well-aware), I was not really making any lesson plans and simply felt like a glorified babysitter. Well, these past couple of weeks, I have been making lessons and have been much more active in the classroom and have really been enjoying myself.
Each week, I go for two hours on Wednesdays to the "infantil" side of the school to teach 5 yr-olds songs and games. These past two weeks, I have been teaching them to sing "5 Little Ducks"
Refer to this video for an example if you missed out on this hit of a song as a child!
Anyways, it has been interesting and fun. The teacher made a poster with 5 little ducks and a mommy duck and also they have real plastic ducks. Well, this week, I brought in my own special surprise!
Yes, I have my own collection of ducks. Yes, I brought them all the way from the US. Yes, I know I am a dork, but I deal with it :-) Well, they LOVED these ducks and I even caused some tears when certain students didn't get the duck they wanted. At the end of each class, I ended up setting a different duck on each table and letting them pass them around. Needless to say, I washed all of them before I brought them home as I saw children picking their noses and then putting their hands all over my ducks! ewwwwwwww
In my 5th grade classes, the students are learning about plants. I had them fill out this worksheet with the parts of the plants and they explained it very well in English!
Then, I had them label all the parts they could on this picture.
For me, it was something simple to come up with and they all enjoyed it. It was a good review and it's amazing how creative some of the kids get when coloring pictures.
I am working on a Thanksgiving lesson plan for tomorrow and part of next week!! Even though they don't celebrate Thanksgiving here, they want us to teach our students about it because we obviously love this holiday (who doesn't love stuffing their face with thousands of unnecessary calories worth of delicious food once a year?)
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