The week started with me making 100 copies of this Turkey project for some of my classes.

By the end of the week, I think I had printed 225 copies of this page. Needless to say, I don’t ever want to see this project again – I was asked by so many students “can we color it with colored pencils?, can we color it with markers? Can we use crayons? Do I cut this part or just this part? How do I put it together?” Ugh, it got old by the end of the week though the kids all enjoyed making them. Here is a picture of some of the students with their turkeys.
I did have some extra free time on my hands this week before the craziness of our Thanksgiving feast started (what’s new) and so one afternoon I sat and colored all of these pictures to replace the Halloween ones on the fridge.
Didn't I just say earlier that after helping with 225 turkeys that I didn't want to see another one?! Well, that didn't hold true. Michael Lynn, Tad and I spent part of the day coloring, cutting out, and assembling a turkey as a party favor for each of our guests.
Here is our work station where all of the turkeys were created
Here are Tad and Michael Lynn diligently cutting while I was assembling
Our mess of scraps
My favorite turkeys - Texas A&M, Michigan, and Texas - it's Thanksgiving, what better themes for turkeys than college football?!
Here are all the turkeys displayed behind the buffet of food
Besides hunting down a turkey, here is my pride and joy of the Thanksgiving meal
APPLE PIE before being cooked (It was delicious but I still can't think about how much butter I had to melt to make the sauce.....Ms. Nutritious.
and after
Here is all of the bread sitting out to get stale
Here is the finished product - Stuffing!
I thought our table all set was so cute!
My first helping - I don't know if I actually tasted it or just inhaled it :-)
Michael Lynn and I actually relaxing a bit and enjoying ourselves after a very hectic couple of days!
Tad worked very hard and made a video of our Thanksgiving adventure and I will share it all with you here. He did all of the video-taping and the pictures are from my camera and a few from his. Enjoy!
We had an amazing Thanksgiving with our Spanish friends! We have much to be thankful for and glad that we were able to celebrate it with friends and great food!