On Saturday, I was able to hang out for a bit with Paco and Pilar. Pilar gave me a big hug and kisses and told me happy birthday! We went for a walk to what I would like to refer to as the Wal Mart of Spain (here it’s called Corte Ingles). We had to exchange some shoes for Paco and that was an adventure in itself. There were people everywhere and of course we had to go to the customer service counter which was packed. They have a thing for you to take a number and wait your turn. Well, this still doesn’t stop Spaniards from being pushy and trying to get waited on before their number. It’s incredible. Pilar said they didn’t used to have a number system and there would be fights. Now just picture that….two old Spanish women heaving their purses at one another and pushing/shoving just to be waited on a minute sooner. Craziness. Pilar made lunch for us – boy does she know me. She cut up potatoes and made me homemade French fries, scrambled eggs and then I had a giant slice of juicy pineapple after. It was a perfectly acceptable birthday meal. Michael Lynn joined us in Granada that afternoon. She brought me a bag of candy (she already knows the way to my heart) and also a gift from my landlady! How sweet. I might just have to post a picture of the gift though – it will speak for itself. We ended up going out for tapas at one of my favorite places around plaza de toros and they brought a surprise with them for me! They had bought a sampler of these pastries complete with candles. They even sang to me!! I felt like such a lucky girl. After that, we went out for a night on the town.
After a weekend in Granada, I think I might be ready for the slower pace of Motril. I get to go on a field trip tomorrow with a group of the kids to the sugar cane museum! I am excited with the only exception being that the museum is right by my house which seems convenient but tomorrow I get to walk to school (20 min), walk back to the museum (probably like 30 min with a bunch of little rug rats), then I get to walk back to school with them (30 min) and then I get to walk back home after that (20 min). With that being said, I am a capable, healthy person and I think I can handle it!
Here are some random pictures from the weekend – Enjoy!
Tad and Michael Lynn out for my birthday
Juan Carlos and me
Someone had a crown on in the bar on Friday (technically it was Saturday and so it was my birthday) and she let me wear it for a minute! BIRTHDAY CROWN!
Birthday pastries before we dug into them…..there were 7 different flavors – dulce de leche, carmel, truffle, chocolate, cheesecake, tiramisu, and mocha.
And the damage…….
Here are the new friends we made and toured the Alhambra with on Friday – Oscar and Natalia
My third trip to the Alhambra!
One of the many pictures I took of flowers…..and caught the bee in action, too!
1 comment:
Well, birthday Queen, it looks like you had fun.The pastries look delicious. You look lovely in your blue dress. Can't wait to see you all and Granada.:)
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