Orientation in Sevilla is over and we have all departed for our respective towns. Orientation was helpful but was a bit tiring to sit and listen to people talk to us all day. I had to leave a bit early on the second day as I had to take a bit of a round-about way to Motril. There is only one bus that goes directly from Sevilla to Motril and it leaves every morning at 7am. Well, I couldn't miss the entire day of orientation so I took a bus from Granada (3 hours) and then bought another ticket from Granada to Motril (1.25 hours) and finally arrived last night around 10ish.
My friend Tad (he's from Michigan too) met me at the bus station and I was happy to see a familiar face (especially since I am in an unfamiliar town and had no idea where I was). They are staying in a hotel and since I am very cheap and didn't want to pay for my own reservation, I am shacking up with them! They were so kind to let me stay!
They have done all the leg work in looking for apartments and had set up two appointments to see the two that the liked the best today. After seeing both, we have decided that this one will be our home...........
This is one of the bedrooms - it has a bed but the owner hasn't opened it up yet.
Here is the kitchen - it has really new appliances and also has some of the same cups from IKEA that we have in our house at home! haha Imagine that
Here is a half-bathroom that is right off the main living area. It's small but functional
This is the living room complete with Tad, Michael Lynn and Javier :-)
Here is our oh-so-adorable terrace where I am sure I will be enjoying many hours of reading and sipping on coffee - and look at our amazing view of the city and the water in the picture right under this one
Here's the laundry room (guess I might have to learn to use the washing machine since my mom isn't here with me ;-) love ya, mom!! haha
This is the master bedroom - I love how open and airy this apartment is
This is the main bathroom
Here is the third and final bedroom
Here is another view of the "blue bedroom"
We are so excited to have a place to call home. We have called the agency and the owner and confirmed that we want to rent this apartment and we will meet them later and even move some of our stuff there. It's sooooo exciting!! I can't wait to fill it up and make it our own!!
Oh, and I told you about the strike in the last post and it's today - there are police everywhere and a lot of things are closed. They are in such crisis here. I didn't do myself any favors by moving from one country with an economic crisis to another. But here is the picture of the sign I took in Granada which I translated in the last post.